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Debug Info
Git Hash: c5be64eb
Git Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 09:59:46 GMT
Cache Duration: 300s
Request Amount: 137262
Request Frequency: 4.276 times/minute
Cache Hit Ratio: 38.89%
ETag Matched Ratio: 42.28%
Health: 81.22%
Uptime: 534.95 hour(s)
Hot Routes: 26570 /woshipm/popular/:range?
22515 /juejin/trending/:category/:type
19799 /uber/blog/:maxPage?
1986 /
1822 /saraba1st/digest/:tid
1525 /zhubai/posts/:id
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1071 /finology/:category
862 /jiemian/:category{.+}?
765 /aeon/category/:category
764 /right/forum/:id?
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761 /eastmoney/report/:category
737 /cntv/:column
727 /thepaper/sidebar/:sec?
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726 /thepaper/featured
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564 /guancha/headline
525 /juejin/category/:category
480 /caijing/roll
475 /jiemian/list/:id
475 /cls/telegraph/:category?
471 /yicai/news/:id?
Hot Paths: 26570 /woshipm/popular
21955 /juejin/trending/all/weekly
19621 /uber/blog
14559 /deeplearning/thebatch
2040 /
1378 /12379
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465 /eeo/caijing
444 /guangdiu/k=daily
435 /smzdm/ranking/pinlei/11/3
425 /juejin/trending/all/monthly
383 /rustcc/news
Hot Error Routes: 1229 /earthquake/ceic/:type?
764 /right/forum/:id?
682 /saraba1st/digest/:tid
471 /nbd/:id?
465 /bendibao/news/:city
445 /aeon/category/:category
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28 /douban/movie/ustop
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8 /topys/:keyword?
7 /sciencenet/blog/:type?/:time?/:sort?
6 /jiemian/:category{.+}?
6 /diandong/news/:cate?
5 /ddosi
5 /caijing/roll
4 /guangdiu/:query?
3 /economist/:endpoint
3 /cankaoxiaoxi/column/:id?
3 /earthquake/:region?
3 /wordpress/:url?/:filter{.+}?
Hot Error Paths: 14559 /deeplearning/thebatch
1378 /12379
1229 /earthquake/ceic/1
471 /nbd
465 /eeo/caijing
382 /mckinsey/cn
382 /right/forum/56
382 /youzhiyouxing/materials
382 /right/forum/31
381 /saraba1st/digest/forum-75-1
381 /8264/list/751
377 /jisilu
344 /ccreports/article
308 /bendibao/news/sh
300 /saraba1st/digest/forum-77-1
229 /geekpark/breakingnews
216 /jingdong/zhongchou/all/zcz/zhtj
168 /
157 /bendibao/news/sz
153 /ftm
144 /.env
106 /admin/assets/js/views/login.js
101 /dx2025
89 /aeon/category/psychology
89 /aeon/category/science
89 /aeon/category/society
89 /aeon/essays
89 /aeon/category/philosophy
89 /aeon/category/culture
68 /.git/config

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